Children's Mental Health Matters Summit 2022 - Replay

Access all the recordings from this year's event. Over 50 experts shared their advice and expertise, to help you and your children's mental health.

Course Summary

Welcome to the inaugural Children’s Mental Health Matters Summit!
•  Do you want to help build a better connection between you and your children, and have a happier family, but don’t know where to turn?
•  Do you know that more needs to be done about children’s mental health, but not sure where to start?
•  Do you just want to learn about different mental health issues and be more educated so you can help our younger generation?

If so, then the Children’s Mental Health Matters Summit is exactly what you need. Catch up with all the replays from this year's Summit.  

If you are a parent, caregiver, a teacher, a nurse, or anyone who has contact with any children whatsoever, then this summit will have something for you. It covers everything from birth right up to the troublesome teenage years. So if you want to be more mindful about what is going on in our younger generation, be sure not to miss this amazing event!

Schedule of Summit Sessions

Cassie Swift Swift

Julie Wilson

This summit has been brilliant for me in my role as a learning support assistant and for improving my understanding in general. There was such a wide range of speakers, all were interesting, approachable and knowledgeable. The topics covered a variety of aspects relating to child and adolescent mental health issues. There were useful strategies, helpful advice and lots of information all delivered by people who I enjoyed listening to. I am so glad that I was able to join the summit. Thank you Cassie and everyone else involved.

Summit Replays

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